
Você está filtrando por: "Salgueiro"

The Sign Painters of Pernambuco

The purpose of this section of the site is to present the professionals who work in sign painting in the State of Pernambuco. We begin the list by presenting the painters who were interviewed during the research the project and who are also the book Sign Painters of Pernambuco. However the cataloging is constantly being updated. You may contact us through our WhatsApp account at 81 3442.4955 ...

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The painter Moisés in action, Tv. Manoel Leônidas, Salgueiro-PE [2013].


The painter Moisés has a very expressive work in the city of Salgueiro-PE. His studio – Moisés Tattoo and Graffite Art’s – is located in the district of Prado on Travessa Manoel Leônidas. The artist has been working for around 20 years in the craft of painting illustrated signs and wall paintings for publicity and advertising. His work is shared between painting, graffiti, tattooing…

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Project undertaken with the support of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE,  Funcultura and Lei Aldir Blanc.

©Fátima Finizola and Damião Santana Recife – Pernambuco | Brazil Since 2013


The content and images available on this site may be used in non-profit projects, which must however, comply with the guidelines of the CC BY-NC 4.0. license. For other situations, please consult the project team.

Whatsapp +55 [81] 3442.4955


Iconography of Truck Art in Pernambuco
A visual journey along the highways of Pernambuco to record the iconography painted on the body parts of trucks.
icone do projeto