Sebastião has been working for around 40 years developing specialized commercial services for signs, banners, displays and commercial posters and also works in the manufacture of illustrated panels for environments. His workshop is located near the market at the Centro Comercial de Arcoverde – CECORA, where he has worked for over 25 years.
The painter Java has worked since 1992 producing signs in the city of Arcoverde-PE. His workshop – Java Grafite – is located in a shed at the old railway station, where the Estação de Cultura space is located. He uses both the compressor and the brush to paint signs in a diversity of media. However, currently, his favorite technique is graphite.
The painter Moisés has a very expressive work in the city of Salgueiro-PE. His studio – Moisés Tattoo and Graffite Art’s – is located in the district of Prado on Travessa Manoel Leônidas. The artist has been working for around 20 years in the craft of painting illustrated signs and wall paintings for publicity and advertising. His work is shared between painting, graffiti, tattooing…